TOOLS Mitochondria Isolation Kit

TOOLS Mitochondria Isolation Kit enables isolation of intact mitochondria from mammalian cells and fresh tissues. Highly purified mitochondria protein will be subsequently yielded after applying lysis buffer containing protease inhibitor. The kit uses traditional Dounce homogenization and the isolation relies on differential centrifugation to separate the mitochondrial and cytosolic fractions with microcentrifuge. Once isolated, the obtained mitochondria can be used for a number of downstream applications, including SDS-PAGE, IP, Western Blotting, Dimensional Electrophoresis, Co-Immunoprecipitation Analysis and Enzymatic Determination.
Feature and Benefits
1. Enable to purified mitochondria from animal cells and tissue.
2. High yield and purity.
3. Fast: isolated mitochondria within 60 min.
4. Isolated mitochondria can be used for: SDS-PAGE, Western Blotting, Dimension electrophoresissis and Co-Immunoprecipitation analysis.

TOOLS Mitochondria Isolation Kit
